How do I order a photo wrap cover?
Updated: 10/25/2024
Article #: 210
To order the photo wraps, they are now found in the ALBUMS & FOLIOS menu under Full Wrap Covers. Use a drop-down choose your album size and then click on the title of the size that you want to order. You will do the insides first and then the cover. You would upload all your files (insides & cover at the same time as prompted by the site).
Start a Photo Wrap (Full Wrap) Album We have a video here that walks you through general album ordering and an article here (How do I add in pre-designed spreads?) that walks you through the process of uploading previously designed spreads (files like covers work in the same basic principle as well).
Choose your Album Size
Choose your Cover Style (this will occur part-way through the order process)
The easiest way to design a custom cover is to use an app like Photoshop to create the cover file as a jpg (the designer on the site is pretty basic for photo covers) and then upload the design as one complete design).
We've created a new photowrap calculator spreadsheet that you can download from that link and then enter your album width & height (eg. 10x8) and the # of spreads. It will then tell you how big to make your photoshop file & how big the cover boards, hinges, wraps,, etc are.
As a note, please make sure that your cover images extend thru the edges of the board all the way through the wrap areas or you may see thin lines of your background colour near the edges of your cover boards. Or alternatively keep images floating in the middle of a cover with plenty of padding (background) around them.
For example: for a 10x8 cover of 15 spreads, your front image would need to be 11.5" wide x 10.25" tall to cover the entire front cover. The spine depends for a 15-spread would be 1.15 inches wide, this would then butt up against that cover image and then your plain back cover would go on the left of that spine.